In the current market, 1 VCTs invest in seed-stage companies, 17 in early-stage companies, 19 in later-stage companies and 15 have an allocation to AIM-listed companies.

By number, the sector breakdown of these VCTs is presented below (the size of the pie chart represents the number of VCTs that target this stage of company):

Seed stage

Early stage

Later stage

AIM Listed

General Enterprise Technology Healthcare consumer Business Services Other Net Assets

Below is a breakdown of the current VCT market by average investment size, excluding any VCTs (or share classes) that have not published their first set of annual accounts.

Each dot represents an individual VCT. The size of the dot represents the stage of company (seed, early or later) that the fund targets, and the colour of the dot represents the sector the fund primarily targets with VCTs targeting only AIM-listed companies shown separately.

MICAP subscribers can hover over an individual dot to find out more about that particular fund.

General Enterprise Technology Healthcare consumer Business Services Other Net Assets AIM Listed